Saturday, September 29, 2007

Recent Stats

Trevor had his 15-18 month check up this past week (I guess you could say he's sixteen and a half months now). So here's his measurements:

Length: 32.5 inches (75th %tile)
Weight: 22.8 lbs (20th %tile)
Head Circumference: 19.25 inches (80th %tile)

So it seems that his head is still the most impressive thing about him size-wise and that maybe he needs to eat more oreos. His grandparents (my folks) are visiting this week and are trying to help him out in this area. This time he's much quicker to be friendly than past visits--within the first evening he decided they were pretty fun to play with and even let them hold him a bit.

The pictures I'm attaching are from the Family Fun Fair this morning. He seemed to like the animal shelter booth the best--the dogs and cats were fenced in, so much more enjoyable to him.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Swim Time

I enrolled Trevor and myself in the mommy and me swim class (ages 1-3 years) at the base pool. The night before the second lesson I sprained my ankle, so John got to be substitute mommy for the afternoon. We've been to three now and Trev is definitely upping his comfort level at each lesson. Yesterday he let me hold him belly down with his feet out quite a bit, hung onto and pushed off of edges, and ducked his face in on purpose a couple of times. The video and picture are from his second class. The picture is of John and Trevor using the kickboard. In the video they're supposed to be blowing the ping pong balls around, but Trevor was more interested in throwing or eating the ball instead.

Monday, September 10, 2007

We like hats

Trevor's daycare class asked for a picture of his family and we realized that all pictures had Trevor and only one of us at a time... so our friend Amanda took our recent family picture. Now all Trevor's daycare friends can see how really really ridiculously good looking we are (I've been watching Zoolander lately).

I'm getting ready to start back at the schools this week, and spent most of last week at a work conference down in LA. It's a little sad that summer's over, but kind of exciting to be back in the swing of things again. And school starting means temperatures cooling and holidays approaching. Both very good things.

While I was away for a few days, John discovered that Trevor is now into hats. Very exciting news to me. I guess George left his hat at our house, Trevor found it, and then decided it was fun to wear for a bit. So I got Trevor's own hats out (because he had to return George's) and now he'll sometimes be in the mood to wear accessories. In fact, yesterday afternoon when he decided it was time to go play outside, he not only brought me both of his sandals, but also his little derby hat.

He's also getting into the climbing action at the park. The video shows him doing a bit of the ladder--he climbed it almost on his own a little earlier but for some reason decided it was not as fun when the camera was rolling. But he's still got skills.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Recent Tricks and tub progress

Trevor managed to fit many of his current mad skills into one video. So here you go...

Other than that, the big recent news is that I've started tiling (emphasis on the "started"). I have two walls done, but am waiting for a couple more special tiles, so am putting of the finishing process. Hopefully at least the shower tile will be done by the time my folks visit at the end of September. I'm attaching a picture of the back wall of the shower not quite finished--there are a couple more rows that go above what's there, and no grout yet (so the lines wont be that dark in the finished product). Eventually I'll get to the floor too. Seems my "summer project" is turning into a fall one. I'll also post a picture of John putting up the walls before I was able to tile (because he worked so hard).