Trevor turned two yesterday and seemed to have not too terrible of a day. We took him to Starbucks for breakfast where he was able to load up on chocolate milk, scone and some of my donut before heading out to the park. Since it's starting to get dumb hot here, he had most of the park to himself. So ample room for climbing and chasing birds. The birds still managed to get away somehow... maybe it's his approach--running and saying "Hi Bird!"
We had our Trevor Two Celebration that evening--which for him meant part of a hot dog and more sugar. He was pretty on top of blowing his candles out and got them snuffed before the "Happy Birthday" song even ended. And no problem with eating cake and ice cream this year--he dug right on in. And he was delighted to find that the cool boxes decorated with balloons and elmos and balls had stuff in them too.