Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Time

We went to the pumpkin farm (ie. Murray Farms in Bakersfield) to do all their Halloween activities again this year. Trevor is so good on drives--it was about an hour and a half/two hours to get there and he reads, talks and sings the whole way there. Trev and I took a picture in front of their pumpkin height thing. We did this last year too, and I think I was more aware of the pumpkin picture at the time. This year I seem to be covering up most of it. If you click on "2007" on the blog archive section to the right and scroll about halfway down to a last October you can see he's grown about a half foot according to the scientific pumpkin ruler.

They had a spider maze to go through and took some pictures...

John was very diligent about finding the 'spider facts'. Some were pretty disappointing, like the most common spider found in your home is the 'house spider'.

Trevor surveying the land on top of the hay stack (the big ball and string are supposed to make up a black widow)

And here's a video--the music in the background was being played in the maze area--seemed to go well with the 'Daddy Chase'. Towards the end he was doing his little groove walk too--sort of dancing and walking at the same time.

There was a tractor ride out into the pumpkin patch were we got to pick out a pumpkin each. Later this week we can change them into "scary pumpkins"

And the finale was the petting zoo. Trevor is super brave now with the wildlife. He seemed most interested in the chickens since they made the most noise, but also followed some goats around a while too.

It must have been an energy burning morning because he ate an entire cheese burger at in-and-out and a whole bunch of fries. I think that's going to be the conclusion of the out of town fall trips for this year. Next weekend Halloween activities start, so I should really finish his costume. And I should figure out a way to get him to want to wear it too...

On the baby front--we still haven't completely decided on a name quite yet. But we still have six weeks, so there's time left. I had an ultrasound on Friday and everything looks good, but not quite like the little picture of the baby on the side of the blog--this guy is still head up. Not too big of a deal though since he's not coming out the more traditional way. I'm supposed to schedule the surgery date this Monday and am hoping for the 21st of November.