Finished products of Trevor bat and Ryan thing
Sometime while I was trying to de-glitter the kitchen Trev did something that warranted time out. So John directed him to the corner, but lately when Ryan hears 'time out' he gets up and goes to sit in the corner regardless of who's name comes before the phrase. So John decided that they were pretty cute sitting in skeleton jail... it was probably not the most effective time out...

We went out to Murray farms last weekend. We go out there every year for the pumpkin patch and activities. The feed corn pit near the entrance was probably Ryan's favorite part.

And the annual pumpkin measure stick
In the ant maze area... echo echo echo...

Ryan of the Corn
When we were in the patch area looking for pumpkins Trev handed Ryan what he declared to be a Ryan sized pumpkin. Ryan seemed pretty unsure what to do with it. The first one Trev handed him he tried to take a bite out of, made a face and then set it back down.
Trev was looking for big pumpkins to sit on like his cousin Gracie... couldn't find one as big as a Texas pumpkin

Giving the pumpkin loves
We went to the petting zoo on the way out. The day was pretty long for Ryan and he was not in too good of a mood. He pretty much hung out watching the pig and was not humored by any of the other animals walking nearby. Trev really liked the chickens.