Corn pit
The official pumpking measuring stick was moved inside near the activity area this year--it was harder to get the boys to stand there and make any sort of sustained and pleasant eye contact. Lots of exciting things nearby.
Ryan liked going in and out of this little tunnel area
Rubber ducky racing--they got to pump the water to move the ducks back and forth
Ryan gathered all the ducks he could find and lined them up before sending them back over
What's cooler than tractors, cows, and trains? A cow-tractor-train!
Me and baby
A piece of corn from the pit got lodged behind Trev's ear--I think it stayed there a good half hour or more until they got on the bouncy pad
Bounce pad
Mom getting some air
Bouncy Video:
Looking for pumpkins--Ryan had a bit of a hard time because he was looking for one with a happy face on it. Reading Halloween books gives children too high of expectations...
Heading back with our pumpkins
Pumpkin heads
Petting zoo--goats!
Goofy boys--Ryan is quacking loudly for this picture