I recently had a birthday and declared that it should be in Disneyland this year. So my family graciously humored me to the point of visiting for two whole days at the park. This meant two fun filled days of wearing a button that compels the Disney employees to wish me a happy birthday! Excellent. By the second day I was noticing that Ryan was taking "happy birthday" as a greeting. When someone would say it to me, he'd say "happy birthday" back to them. Part way through Ry asked me if I was having a good day and I told him that indeed I was and asked if he was having fun too. He said "yes mommy. I having a good day. Thankyou for inviting me to your birthday party". He was very sweet. I think despite all the pin fun, I enjoyed seeing the kids have fun and sitting with them on the rides the most. And it was a kick seeing Ryan interacting with the Disney employees--they were very welcoming to his flare for conversation.
We spent the first day in at California Adventure land:
Striking our superhero pose cuz the Carters are cool like that (get it? cool and we're with frozone...)
Grandma Linda and Nora waiting while the rest of us ride
They had lightening McQueen driving through Cars Land
Trevor is making that face on purpose. Yep.
The boys with Red. They just gave Ryan a Cars button so he couldn't stop looking at it to say cheese. They saw my button and had Red honk happy birthday to me too :)
I look concerned
John was convinced that Trevor would enjoy scary rides. Turns out he was wrong. Trevor was thoroughly ticked off that we took him on the Tower of Terror. He didn't scream or cry. But he was glaring at us and complaining that it was an awful ride and he didn't like it one bit. He was talking about it here and there for the rest of the trip. When the boys took a break at the pool he found another girl of similar age who also had awful parents and they discussed how it's a terrible ride.
I think the only places we see payphones are at Disneyland and the airport.
Nora had a blast driving her horsie
It's just like being in California!
Cars Land was pretty cool all lit up at night.
On the way home the first night a somewhat toothless man gave the boys balloon swords and explained the rules. They could attack each other as long as they both had swords. If one of the swords broke, you can't attack the person without the sword. But the person without the sword is now a ghost, so he can attack you...
Day two was Disneyland:
It was raining in the morning--it threatened to be annoying, but turned out to be kind of nice and extra magical. We are desert folks. Rain is kind of an attraction in it self. Especially the fancy dainty non-flash flood type rain.
Trevor lost his tooth at breakfast (while eating a donut). So he seemed to fit in with Jack Skeleton and the jack o lanterns.
One of John's favorite attractions at the park. He had two teams of kids opposing eachother at one point--he dubbed one side Team 1 and the were vs Team A...
Coloring break.
Nora really enjoyed being perched up high.
It gave her a good view of her public--it was a lot easier to get peoples attention to smile and wave her hands at them.
And that's a night. We stayed up to watch the fireworks. Ryan fell asleep in my lap as they started. I nudged him to let him know they were going on. He stirred a little to tell me he wasn't sleeping and then promptly dozed off again.