We (plus our friend George) were up visiting my family for a little over a week and had quite the good time. It was cloudy a lot, but this is a very good thing from our point of view. After a couple days in Anchorage we went down to Homer so the boys (minus the little one) could go fishing. Trevor got to see his first cache and get a good look at the water. Grandma Linda fulfilled her grandma duties in making batches of cookies. I tried to take a picture of him eating one the first day, but he ended up shoving the whole thing in his mouth by the time I took the picture. Over the week Trevor reinforced his mommy's-boyness, liking most other people a lot better from a distance, but I think he's getting better with others overall. After coming home again, he seemed most excited to see his ceiling fans (you can see two fans at the same time if you stand in the right area--very exciting). He's also now extra cautious about stairs--after going down the real stairs at his grandparents house a bit, he will now drop to all fours and turn around to get past the itty bitty step/bump through the patio.
Looks like you guys had a good time. I can't believe your little guy is good with flying...we're still afraid to take the bean on a plane...i'm sure he would just cry the whole time.
Look I'm leaving a comment!
The other one was the fake George
You guys are tards.
Wow, you stayed up late to do that! Great pictures of the boys and fish. How about a video of the moonwalk now?
Looks like you guys had a good time. I can't believe your little guy is good with flying...we're still afraid to take the bean on a plane...i'm sure he would just cry the whole time.
Glad you're back! Keep the pictures coming!
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