We went to the local fair this last weekend--a good almost two hours of entertainment... it'll be super fun for him in another year or two. The highlights were seeing the horses,
pygmy goats and
various livestock. And Trevor seemed pretty in awe of the different rides and all the noise. We tried to give him a
corn dog, but he passed... but seemed to thoroughly enjoy kettle corn (he gets that from me).
I'm getting excited about his Halloween costume (he's going to be Peter

Pan)--we just got the tights in the mail yesterday and Trevor had a 'so far' dress rehearsal (his sleeves need doctoring still and he needs a belt and hat). John was trying to teach him how to leap and prance, but it seems a bit past his skill set for now. However, he has developed a kind of new walk where he'll sort of trot around--I think this is a side affect of his jumping lessons with daddy.
Trevor also added a new and important word to his vocabulary today--"outside". So now not only can he bring his shoes and my shoes and stand at the door, he can now start giving more verbal commands.
you should maybe post videos of the "leaping and prancing" lessons...I'm sure many people would have fun watching that, more in relation to watching Trevor's dad prance & leap like Peter Pan than Trevor maybe :) :) Trevor's costume sounds very cute, once again it will be yet another year where we miss him all dressed up on Halloween. Miss you guys!
I second the motion to see John leap and prance!!! You're making me laugh just thinking about it!
I hope your next kid is a girl because when poor Trevor gets older he might not want to wear tights. I obeyed and looked at your blog. Trevor is a cutie. I don't want to see John prancing and leaping. I vote NO. Mike thinks is would be very funny but he also likes to prance and leap.
It seems that Alisha may have won even without majority :) John seems not so into the filming of his practicing. Perhaps he does not want other babies to learn his secrets and then appear cuter than Trevor. I'm sure that's it.
John frequently leaps and prances around the office to punctuate his strong opinions on good engineering practices. No further demonstration is required.
By the way, what's the deal with the picture of Trevor checking out some teenage girl's posterior?
Hmm... this is why access to his office is restricted to non-blue badges... so you guys can prance more freely.
And Trevor may be a bit beyond his years (or I guess 'year' in his case).
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