Holding on to the rope before the 'start' signal...

Trevor found an egg!...

And then decided to throw it back on the ground again... so daddy came to help. They ended up finding a total of three eggs when they joined forces in the hunt. The next portion of the morning involved Trevor crying and refusing to tie his balloon down to something. Then crying because his balloon floated away... Balloons are very tricky.
So moving on...

Trevor did not seem to trust the Easter bunny... he stared at him a bit, decided something was not quite right and then moved on.

By the time Easter morning came, he had the plastic eggs figured out. Turns out he did want to keep them long enough to find out what's inside. He got an Easter elephant this year because elephants are very cool, and an Easter bear dressed up as bunny. They are all now best friends and want to go everywhere together.
My parents are out visiting for the week (but managed to stay out of pictures during Easter). Trev seemed to remember them right away and took to them again very quickly. Grandpa has now taught him to play baseball and hammer walls, while grandma has taught him to beg for chocolate more regularly. He seems to enjoy all these activities thoroughly.
I agree with Trevor - guys in bunny suits are creepy. Kinda up there with clowns.
By the way, Trevor can apparently walk in heels better than my wife. Not a good sign...
I also agree with Trevor. There was definitely something not quite right about the Easter Bunny. :)
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