It was close enough to Grandpa Steve's birthday for him to request a surprise party. So Grandma and Trevor made a cake and we had some people over for spaghetti (grandpa and Trev's favorite). Trevor helped Grandma pick out some presents for Grandpa and it turned out that some wont fit in his suitcase... so Trevor was gracious enough to hold on to them for him.

You might have noticed the matching shirts--they've had them for a while now but when Grandpa Steve wore it this time Trevor was truly in awe that they had the same outfits. Instead of Trevor wearing a 'grandpa shirt', he pointed out that grandpa's is "like Trevor's shirt!".
Keith got me a bug gun out here in DC :) When we get back to CA, Trevor and I can sit in your yard and suck up little critters for him to bring in the house.
Are you sure the party wasn't for Trevor?
Love the matching shirts!
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