Trevor ended up having two Halloween days--one at daycare the day before and then one on Halloween. I was in Apple Valley and didn't get to go to the daycare event but John got to go over and help out and play along a bit. From his description it seemed like a pretty serious affair with lots of time spent looking in the candy bag to see what was there. When I saw him at home he was pretty excited to tell about getting candy from doors and his friend wearing a hat (John explained she was a witch).

John took video too... at the beginning he's commenting on the doors that don't have candy, then he hears airplanes (they hear them a lot since the daycare is on base), then he's correcting one of the teachers that he's not a dragon, he's a dinosaur (which seems obvious, I don't know what she was thinking).
Halloween at home actually took a bit of convincing in getting him to trick or treat at home. We put the costume on and I told him that we were going to say trick or treat to houses and they'd give him candy. He was pretty insistant that there was candy in the bowl (that we were passing out)and we should get it from there instead. Which, technically I guess that would be the easier way over all. But he went along with doing it the hard way anyways. He'd say "trick or treat" before the door opened, but that was about it. A few people asked him if he could say trick or treat and he said "yes". He appreciated the Halloween decorations people had outside and talked a lot about one of our neighbor's "scarey windows". And of course, the candy was good.

Trevor had the best costume EVER! :)
Way to go on the costume, Martha Stewart!
Looks like Trev had a good time! It's so much more fun now that the kids are getting into the holidays!
Trevor (aka T-Rex) looks like a blond-haired Godzilla!
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