We've passed two weeks of being a family of four. We're continuing to adjust--John and I to the lack of consistent sleep and insane amount of diapers, Trevor to the baby that seems to be staying a while, and Ryan to the whole being outside of the womb with all that variation of temperature. Trev is turning out to be a great big brother--he got pretty tired of hearing "careful" at first, but now seems to get what he can and can't do for the most part. Every morning he looks for his baby and plays tickle and kissy game with him during the day. He's good at letting us know when to put the baby down (and will even point out the specific location). And he's very aware of Ryan's pacifier and helps in both suggesting when Ryan might want it and in helping us find one. Here's a video that I took Thanksgiving morning. Trev and I were up making cranberry muffins and Ryan was hanging out nearby.
Trev was helping make Ryan 'feel better' and was pretty excited when he'd do something that worked. Then by the time I was taking the video he thought that the pacifier game was pretty funny and once Ryan took it Trev was going to try to take it back so he could give it to him again.
Here's some more Thanksgiving pictures...
Grandma and Trevor making turkey place cards for dinner
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