My parents came out to visit for an extended weekend and got to see how chatty Trevor is and how much bigger and more alert Ryan has become in just a few weeks. They have a remarkable ability to negatively affect the weather, so gone went the sunny days with highs around 70 and in came the wind and occasional rain. Trevor was pretty excited to see them again so soon and played tons. Here's some pictures...
movie night
Trev and grandpa have the love of popcorn and the distaste of sharing in common
Look at that belly!
Playing "hi car" with grandma
The grandparents were at the builder's convention in Vegas prior to visiting us, so grandma had a very sparkly hoody that Trev noticed caught the light well in the kitchen. He tried it on to make the sparkles and had fun chasing them when grandma wore the jacket. Trev is a fan of shiny.
Ryan had his two month appointment today where the doctor confirmed that he is indeed a big boy. He's also very proportional, measuring 90th percentile on all the charts.
Weight: 13.68 lbs
Length: 24 inches
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches
The doctor said he looks like he could be three or four months... which I could have told him just based on how he's grown out of most of his 0-3 month clothes already. So here's a couple more pictures of Ry on his twomonthday. Note the curly hair (still not sure where that's from).
In my continuing effort to tire Trevor out during the day I decided to take him up into the hills by the college again for a hike. The last time we did this was last spring, back before I was feeling too pregnant. He was pretty excited about the idea of climbing a big mountain and only gave me minor grief about wanting to wear crocs instead of shoes as we got ready to go. The weather was great (high sixties) and Trev took off right away. He's very chatty-- "I'm climbing a BIG mountain" and "We're almost there!" seemed to be his favorite phrases. He started with the almost there about a minute and a half into our little hike. We got to the top of the saddle back area and he was pretty impressed with how far the car was away and all the houses he could then see on the other side. At this point I should have called it a good day and started to head back down, but instead I went with the two year old's decision that we should go up farther. After walking going up another ten minutes Trev declared that it was time to sit on a rock and rest. This lasted the next ten minutes and I started to worry that we were never going to get down again. I got him moving back downwards--but only about ten feet until it was time to rest again. So out of my own frustration for time eventually got to carry both Trevor and Ryan back down to the car again and have to say was quite impressed with my buffness. So moral of the story--turn around before toddler declares it's time to rest. It was still overall fun though and I'm impressed with how far he manages to get before he tuckers out. He definitely had a good nap that afternoon.
Climbing rocks on the 'top'.
See our car way down there?
"I rest now"
John is in Texas now for work, but also gets to stop over and see his sister and her family since they're relatively nearby. Trev, Ryan and I are missing out on the visit, but happy not having to travel all the same (okay, not Trev, he's been wanting to go on an airplane again for months). Trevor is asking about daddy a lot, wanting to know if it's Saturday yet (when daddy comes back). I made sure his school days were the daddy gone days this week to help with my overall well being. Yesterday when we were driving him in Ryan started fussing. Trevor decided to try to calm him down by explaining "It's okay Ryan... I want you to be happy... I go to school but be back soon... I be back Saturday...".
All the excitement of holiday has passed, despite Trevor's claim that Christmas is not over, there's 'just one more' of it left. The tree has taken a new place laying in the backyard so he's now able to explain how that tree is yucky now and that we'll have to get a new one. And I agree... next year.
Trev is back to daycare/preschool a couple days a week now and I'm starting to venture into the world of toddler and infant some days all by myself. So far it seems a bit tiring, but not too traumatic. The hardest thing is finding ways for Trevor to let out some of his energy so he's tired enough to nap in the afternoon. Because I need him to nap in the afternoon...
Here's a 'movie' that we made of him yesterday. He really likes watching himself on the camera, but has a hard time getting that he has to do something first.
And here's a cute one of Trevor helping give Ryan a bath. Helping mostly means playing with the water, sometimes letting it run on Ryan, and pulling the drain at the end. He's pretty dutiful about it though.
Ryan and I have been dealing with a case of thrush this past week, which is not at all fun. But it seems to be clearing up. At the same time Ryan seems to have hit a growth spurt. I took him to the doctor for the thrush last week and when they weighed him he came out at 12 pounds 8 ounces! Our only data point is Trevor and he was always so skinny and long that we were a little concerned about the chunky monkey. But doctor said he's not overweight, healthy and just a big boy... though I don't have to worry at all about him getting enough to eat. I know he's a bit longer too now, but they didn't measure that and I'm not motivated to find a tape measure since his next well check appointment is in a few weeks. But he's already fitting into a lot of his 3-6 month clothes and stretching the limit of his 0-3 stuff.
Here's a picture of the boys together, taken just yesterday. It was after the movie production.