Trev is back to daycare/preschool a couple days a week now and I'm starting to venture into the world of toddler and infant some days all by myself. So far it seems a bit tiring, but not too traumatic. The hardest thing is finding ways for Trevor to let out some of his energy so he's tired enough to nap in the afternoon. Because I need him to nap in the afternoon...
Here's a 'movie' that we made of him yesterday. He really likes watching himself on the camera, but has a hard time getting that he has to do something first.
And here's a cute one of Trevor helping give Ryan a bath. Helping mostly means playing with the water, sometimes letting it run on Ryan, and pulling the drain at the end. He's pretty dutiful about it though.
Ryan and I have been dealing with a case of thrush this past week, which is not at all fun. But it seems to be clearing up. At the same time Ryan seems to have hit a growth spurt. I took him to the doctor for the thrush last week and when they weighed him he came out at 12 pounds 8 ounces! Our only data point is Trevor and he was always so skinny and long that we were a little concerned about the chunky monkey. But doctor said he's not overweight, healthy and just a big boy... though I don't have to worry at all about him getting enough to eat. I know he's a bit longer too now, but they didn't measure that and I'm not motivated to find a tape measure since his next well check appointment is in a few weeks. But he's already fitting into a lot of his 3-6 month clothes and stretching the limit of his 0-3 stuff.
Here's a picture of the boys together, taken just yesterday. It was after the movie production.
1 comment:
Happy New Year!
They are BOTH growing! Wow! Ryan is such a cutie! I'm thinking he might be sporting a nice set of cheeks before long!
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