Head Circumference: 17.5inches (95th percentile)
Weight: 16.5pounds (just 75th percentile)
Length: 27.25inces (97th percentile)
We have to take Ryan back in four weeks so they can measure his head again. His graph for head circumference is more of a straight line than a curve... so he wants to make sure it levels off a bit more. The doctor said it's nothing to worry about, he just has a big head. Then he looked at me and said "you have a big head too". I looked at Trevor's old measurements and his head size was a bit similar at the time. So there you go.
Here's a picture of Ryan next to his friend who will be one in May... he's not too far behind in size...

It continues to be nice here, so more time outside. Trevor found a bug the other day and managed to carry it around for quite a while without it coming to a devastating end. It was one of those pill bugs that roll up when they're threatened. So when he first picked the bug up it rolled in to a little ball. John explained that if he was nice to the bug it would unroll and it did--so then he declared it his best friend.
And today we were out playing with his new jump rope. He was requesting one and trying to use belts at home so we figured that maybe he picked that up somewhere... he doesn't quite have the coordination to get it to work quite right. So instead he decided it was good for whacking stuff and to use like a little lasso to drag things behind him. I think the label might have been right--jump ropes are for ages 5 and up.
Trevor and Ryan have been figuring out ways to play together. Trev has come up with a game where he drapes blankets over Ryan's play mat and they pretend it's a tent or a castle or a cave or whatever suits them. Today they were giants and in a cave...
1 comment:
happy memories always abound when you wear a bucket on your head :) looking forward to seeing you guys.
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