It turns out that we didn't really need to actually go inside Disneyland anyway. The Downtown part was pretty exciting enough. After we got there he quickly pointed out a mickey mouse head. We were counting them for a while, but the numbers got out of hand. The biggest attractions were the multiple fountains. At first we just looked at them and touched them if the water was high. Then I started giving him pennies to make a wish. It was super cute--I told him to make a wish before throwing it in so he held on to his penny, closed his eyes and very softly said "I wish I wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart" (those of you who are familiar with PBS kids or Trevor will recognize this as the dragon tales cartoon chant). He continued to do this at every other fountain we came across (and that he could get a penny out of me for).
Ryan and his first piece of flare.
The Rain Forest Cafe was also very exciting. I think that Trev liked it more during the day when it was close to empty. They had a talking tree that he decided was his friend. It left little pauses while it told you about the many products you could purchase there, so he could sort of have a conversation with it. I made a reservation for dinner there that night since he was so excited about it. But turns out at night time everything gets tons more crowded and tons louder. And they have these thunder storms every fifteen minutes that are super loud and the lights dim. I think both the boys were slightly traumatized after having dinner there. But I sacrificed and bought a fancy adult beverage that came with a cup that flashed different color lights. So being able to leave with that and his little wand from the volcano cake made the evening a success in his book.
The next day we headed off to Sea World with I think maybe a little less energy after already spending a day with new and exciting things. We went to the dolphin and sea lion shows first and Trev pretty much stared at them and laughed occasionally. I think it was a bit of an odd thing to see and he was taking it in. He was a lot more animated at the different exhibits--loved the aquariums and looking at the animals up close. I think he was into the manatees the most, but that could have been because I was hyping them up because I liked to hear him say 'manatee'. They also have a Sesame Street land in the park with a few little kid rids and a huge net to climb up and tunnels to crawl through. The lines were pretty short too, so it was a nice break from looking at things. We ended up bypassing nap and staying the entire day at the park. Trevor was fast asleep in his carseat within a couple of minutes of being back in the car.
We went to a beach/playground area that both John and Trevor seemed to enjoy the last morning of our trip. Ryan seemed less than thrilled once he started to get a bit tired. I'm not sure if it was his being tired of sleeping in his carseat or his adjusting to cool damp air, but whatever it was had me walking up and down the bike paths. Trevor had a blast with the sand, shells, and seagulls.
And here's a video of hotel room entertainment. Ryan is really enjoying himself--his shrieks are of glee :)
"Caution, seagulls may become agressive"... Not as agressive as Trevor though. Take that seagulls!
This was such a nice, polite, well-written, and even heart-warming story. You can tell John had nothing to do with writing it as there is nary a hint of bowel movements or diaper disposal methods. Kudos, Jasmine!
Can I come to your house for my birthday???? Sounds like so much fun! Happy Birthday Trevor!
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