Ryan not eating sand
Trevor on top of the catipillar
They both had a lot of fun in the little tunnels. Ryan thought it was hilarious when Trevor would pop in and out. And sometimes he just found it pretty exciting sitting in the tube period.
Where'd Trevor go?
He just remembered a funny
Later that day we went over to some friends' house to play games and visit. There were three little girl babies there, all of them under six months. Trevor enjoyed trying to make them laugh (until it got boring of course) and had most success with one of the twins, Jessica. Ryan didn't seem to notice much that they were there except when he occasionally got kicked in the face. Girls. Sheesh. But he did get to play with exciting pink toys part of the evening.
Ahhh aren't they cute?
And this was from a different day--Trevor was making thankyou bags to put his thankyou cookies (dinosaur shaped with extra sprinkles) for his teachers. I put Ryan in chair number two and we managed to avoid any falling disasters. The sitting on the chair was novel for a good fifteen minutes or so. Trevor and Ryan are moving up in their daycare rooms tomorrow. Trevor will be a Hummingbird and Ryan a Teddy Bear. I think it's a bigger switch for Trevor because it'll be more preschool focused and more kids per adult. I guess they get to take real field trips and all that too this year. He's pretty excited about it and dubbed himself a Hummingbird a couple weeks ago. Ryan is blissfully unaware, but seems to be reasonably adaptable for his age so I'm thinking it'll work out okay. I start work this week by going to the agency retreat in Apple Valley. It's just two days, but sort of carries the impending thought that school is indeed starting again.

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