Trevor had his three year appointment last week. It was put off for a while because we ended up going to Alaska during the first appointment time. Then when I got back the receptionist lady told me that it was just a well check, no shots or anything. So I didn't worry about it too much. Then I got a call later on explaining that there was a vaccination that needed updated. So there you go. Those appointments always feel sort of like tests with all the questions they ask. But he passed... especially with the extra several months to practice. He was a trooper with his shot and only screamed briefly before composing himself for his sticker. Here's where he's at on the growth chart:
Weight: 30 pounds (in between 10th and 25th percentile)
Height:38 inches (in between 25th and 50th percentile)
We went to the pumpkin patch near Bakersfield yesterday. Ryan had some sort of brief fever Friday afternoon evening and we thought we'd end up missing it, but he woke up generally happy and minus any worrisome symptoms. But he still wasn't quite his chipper self all day and you can blame his overabundance of glares on his parents who dragged him out of the house.
Ryan did not like the corn tub.
Trevor did.

Ant land
Ryan not so sure about the asparagus plants
Ryan looking to the future
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