Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ryan likes Cake

We celebrated Ryan turning one last week. I think for me there's a mix of it seeming like the year flew by and then seeming like he's always been a part of our family. He seemed to enjoy the whole birthday experience. Kids to poke at, cake to eat, watching the bigger boys play with new toys.

Trevor was the cake/song conductor. He dutifully rounded up people to sing to Ryan and got them started with a 1-2-3. Trev was also very helpful in blowing out the candle. He had been telling Ryan over and over again in the morning how he would do it for him.

Ryan dove right into the cake. It was such a contrast between Trevor's cake reaction when he turned one. I took a little video but am having trouble loading it on the computer for some reason, so I'll post his and Trevor's if I get it worked out later.

Pausing to reflect over the year

We were noting the ratio of neatness to amount of wasted cake as the children age

Ryan was given a little six inch round cake to eat and we ended up taking it away from him after he ate half of it because he seemed to be showing no signs of winding down.

Remains of the cake


Ryan was very generous with his presents and had a few eager helpers to open them up and try them out.

And one more cake picture