Last weekend Trevor suggested that it would be a good idea to make cookies with his moose and bear cookie cutters. So I couldn't really argue with that. Turns out he has way more cookie making stamina than the last time we tried. Usually he's involved for maybe one or two batches, but this time stuck through the whole process.
Trev created a beautiful array of cookies. Bears, moose, dinosaurs. He discovered that he could make 'girl moose' by taking the antlers off before putting them on the pan. And the dinosaurs sort of drifted into 'alien dinosaurs' by the end (meaning they have more than two eyeballs)
The Children's Fair was this weekend at the park...
Ryan the scientist

Trevor on the obstacle course

Ryan all alone in the little pink and purple car while his big brother is busy shooting nerf guns
Using wind power to sail at the cub scout booth
The actual park was fun too
Getting close to nap time
It's super nice lately and flowers are all over... I'm showing off to those in less blooming states...

Ryan looks suspicious
We're Awesomesauce!
We went out to Red Rock Canyon for some hiking this weekend. Trevor was very impressive in his mad hiking skills--we were out for almost three hours and had a bit of elevation change and he made it just about the whole way (I carried him maybe 5 minutes towards the end)
Ryan fell asleep pretty quick into the hike. Trevor was pretty excited about any part that involved balancing and climbing rocks. He was also impressed by drop offs and canyons.

We found a chair rock
On top of Whistler's Ridge

Trevor being very still so the lizard wont run away (he's on the big rock across from Trev)
Stopping for a snack break