Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ryan is no longer measured by months!

Ryan's two year old appointment stats:

Weight: 30 lb (75th percentile)
Length: 36.25 inches (just above the 90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 20.5 inches (continues to be well above the 100th percentile on his very own Ryan curve)

Ryan is now officially two! Well, two plus a week or so now. He had a great time at Disneyland for his birthday eve and got to spend a good chunk of his birthday day driving back home. After his adventures in LA, he opted for a nice quiet birthday with Grandma and Bapa Quigley, who were visiting for the week.

Trying to see if the candles were indeed hot

You must defeat the cake before you eat the cake

Trev was good at helping Ry open and test out presents

Ryan enjoyed the tissue paper quite a bit

He likes to try to pick up all his Disney guys at once to carry around

Ryan under a watchful eye as he uses the 3+ packaging in an in appropriate way

Monday, November 22, 2010


Ryan has developed an attraction to Mickey Mouse over the past several months. So we decided to go to Disneyland to celebrate his birthday this year. My folks came out to visit for the week. We met them down in Anaheim so we could all go to the park. Four to two seemed like good odds.

Getting ready to go! And finding the bus ride to be pretty exciting

Ryan and grandma waiting for a ride

Ryan had bapa carrying him around most of the morning

In the whale's mouth

Trev got to sit on the front of the Tinkerbell boat




Meeting Goofy

Meeting Mickey Mouse

Ryan seemed most excited about Minnie... I think he might have a crush

All magicked out

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and Fair Time

Figured I'd start with Halloween since it's pretty current. Trev dressed up as a noble knight this year. He was pretty excited about the costume and accessories. Here's some pictures from the trick or treat parade at school:

Everyone is dressed up and ready to go. They actually ended up waiting in a sort of line by the door for at least five minutes. I was impressed by their patience.

Trev sticking his loot in his cubby. I think it's cute whenever he interacts with his cubby.

Ryan was supposed to be a gladiator/warrior knight type guy. But he decided that he did not want to wear a costume. It was a bit of a bummer. So he dressed up as a little boy who likes candy instead.

Halloween was pretty exciting. We went trick or treating in our neighborhood for a bit. Until Trev decided that he had enough candy and didn't want to do it anymore. This was after somewhere between five and ten houses. We had to walk back anyway so we crossed the street and suggested we hit up a few more on the way back. Trev only was willing to go to those that had some sort of interesting display in front. Ryan on the other hand had the hang of this hold your bag out and people put candy in it thing. He went to a few extra houses because every time we came to a walkway he'd squirm away and head on to the door. He still did not want to put on his costume. So we dressed him in his skeleton pajamas instead. He was a pro.

Ryan trying to hand Trev a bag to get the trick or treating started already

We weren't moving fast enough. He REALLY wanted to go

Ryan did enjoy his accessory to his costume even if he wouldn't wear the costume

I had some pictures from the fair a couple of weekends ago. It had some cool stuff at it this year. Though maybe it did last time too, but I remember it being too windy to attend.

I think the whole area was supposed to be 'wizard' type stuff ala Harry Potter (without having to actually pay to use the name). Ryan LOVED the bubble cauldrons.

They had a 4H area and Ryan continues to very much enjoy goats. Though this time he seemed to have some issue with them here and there. It was really funny. He'd start wagging his finger at a goat while saying something that seemed very important. Then he'd walk off before making a quick turn and a giggle to do it again. They seemed to work out their issues in the end.

Seems Ryan is unsupervised...

We went to the everything's fried booth for dinner. Mmm... fried artichokes (Ryan loved them too--Trev was too suspicious even though they were fried)

While we were eating they were setting up for a band to start playing. This is Trev and Ry breaking it down... not to the band, but to the jive music that's playing in the background while waiting for the live entertainment.