Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ryan is no longer measured by months!

Ryan's two year old appointment stats:

Weight: 30 lb (75th percentile)
Length: 36.25 inches (just above the 90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 20.5 inches (continues to be well above the 100th percentile on his very own Ryan curve)

Ryan is now officially two! Well, two plus a week or so now. He had a great time at Disneyland for his birthday eve and got to spend a good chunk of his birthday day driving back home. After his adventures in LA, he opted for a nice quiet birthday with Grandma and Bapa Quigley, who were visiting for the week.

Trying to see if the candles were indeed hot

You must defeat the cake before you eat the cake

Trev was good at helping Ry open and test out presents

Ryan enjoyed the tissue paper quite a bit

He likes to try to pick up all his Disney guys at once to carry around

Ryan under a watchful eye as he uses the 3+ packaging in an in appropriate way

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