We had a pretty steady cookie production going on. I made quite a bit through the month and mom took over once they got here.

Ry quietly got himself up on the chair and when I looked over saw him pressing his face against the glass dome
He had impressive self restraint and only looked at the treats on the a table
After Christmas Eve service we put out the candy dish and cookies for desert. Very quickly I could see that the boys were not pacing themselves too well with the candy consumption. This picture was taken shortly after I announced that it's time to put the candy dish up... Ryan is quickly trying to secure his pile before the dish goes.

John and Grandma Wanda eating some of the really yummy fruitcake John made this year.
The boys opened up their stockings before breakfast. They had little wrapped presents inside and quickly after opening Ryan's first gift he became agitated that he couldn't put it back in the wrapping like he found it... making me think this might be a long morning... but he soon got over it and decided the stuff inside the packaging was worth the not being able to put it back how it was.

Mmm... breakfast.
Opening presents...

Robot wrapping paper putter-wayer... awesome

And uncle grabber

After Trev got his leapfrog books asked me to unwrap his next present and then tell him what it was because he's "busy right now".
Grandma Wanda reading to Ryan
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