John turned 33 this weekend--so Trev suggested we have a surprise party. He seemed to have it all down--I was instructed that we will decorate and buy him presents and then turn off the lights and hide before daddy gets home. Then when he opens the door he will say "Huh. That's weird. I wonder where everyone is. Hmm. Usually they are home right now. How weird. Oh look--there's decorations. I wonder what they are for" and then we will say "surprise!". He definitely had ideas. And a script all ready. So we went with it.
Trevor melting chocolate for the cake
Ryan monitoring the cake
"I set table"Ryan started to set the table in hopes of getting this whole cake business started. So we went to the park to minimize Ryan's torture of having to be in the same vicinity as the cake.
Yep. He's just that cool.
Opening presents. One of them was a small box of legos... very hard to keep a secret. "Daddy! We got you a present and it's a secret. Can I tell you that it's legos though?"
Finally cake time
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