My parents offered to watch the boys for the week of my spring break so John and I could go on a vacation without strollers, diaper bags, pillow pets... We ended up deciding to go to New York. It was super fun--we walked around a lot, saw some shows, ate a lot, walked around more, ate more, rode a lot of subways, stayed up past ten, slept in, ate more, walked more.
Self Portrait on Brooklyn Bridge
Spiderman playing the saxophone in the subway
While we were gone my parents were adventurous and took the boys down to Disneyland. Sounds like they had a great time. I'm still impressed--we have not been brave enough to attempt this without a 2:1 adult kid ratio.
The matching shirts--Trevor explained that they could find him better with all the people if they had the same shirts. I think it was just to look cute.
The boys dancing around Downtown Disney:
We got back together just in time for Easter. The boys decorated eggs the weekend before. It was a pretty quick operation. Luckily Ryan had no interest in using the little wire stick and they didn't have to share. I was worried when I opened the box and think they really should include a few. Anyway, Ryan preferred to stick his whole hand in and multiple dips.
We went to the Easter egg hunt--more of a scramble than a hunt. They have the kids in age divisions and for each group thrown a bunch of plastic eggs out in to an open grass area. Ryan was in the 1-2 year olds. He very much understood that he needed to collect the eggs this year and already knew there was good stuff inside of them. But after picking up maybe five or six eggs stopped to plop down in the field and started trying to pry the suckers open.
Trevor was in the 3-4 year olds and was a lot more focused on collecting. He got a good sized pile.

Ryan was still suspicious of the Easter bunny
And the Bunny Cake
Hi Jasmine,
I'm glad that you and John got away together! That is so important and so special to share new adventures. I think I have a Hawaiian shirt in the same pattern as your parents and boys--does that qualify me to be able to join them in their next Disneyland trip?!
It'd be kind of funny to see if the boys would wonder off with you based on your wearing their pattern... but either way you would be welcome :)
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