The boys travelled very well--driving down to Santa Ana, flying to Denver, then driving up to Laramie. We flew Horizon, which turns out to have cookies instead of pretzels and little TVs on the back of each seat. So Trevor was pretty dang impressed. Ryan lasted through the take off and a little bit in the air before falling asleep (it was about two hours past his nap time). During take off he cautioned "hold on tight".
First stop was the train tracks. No actual trains went by while we were up above the tracks. Fortunately we are pretty easy to please--just being up high and seeing the trains that were not moving was still pretty interesting.
Aaron was able to come up to visit the first weekend. As suggested, we hyped him up. Trev was looking forward to seeing him and really wanted him to sit in the back next to him. So he got to partake in deep discussions like 'who's your favorite princess?'
We went to walk around campus to see all the changes and some of the things that were still the same. The kids climbed rocks and we found that the Geological Museum was open. Dinosaurs are cool.

Gracie signing the visitor book
Turns out that there's a really cute and yummy coffee place/cafe right next to where we used to live. So we stopped for drinks. The kids were getting tired of smiling for pictures at this point. John and Aaron were still game.

Bedtime was the trickiest thing to work out during the stay. Here's the cute part where they are all gathered around daddy/uncle Johnny in their jammies.

Ryan was pretty thrilled to be a cowboy. He brought his 'horsie boots' with him and Grammy Jackie and Bapa Bill had a Ryan sized cowboy hat waiting for him to wear.
We met up with Aaron again to go out to Veedawou late afternoon the next day. The boys were very impressed with all the big rocks. Trev took off with Aaron and John and Ryan and I maybe went about half as far as they did. Ryan was very diligent in identifying what animal the different rocks were--lots of shark rocks, dinosaur rocks, bear rocks...
Seemed like these two pictures could be in some sort of story book:

Aaron trying to get Ryan to smile for the camera next to him
John trying to 'hold up the rock'--Trev opted not to help because it wasn't really going to fall

Ryan found the little bridge to be very entertaining. We marched back and forth on it for a while. Then he became the bridge troll, giving orders to when others can cross.

Ryan watching the bigger boys coming down
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