Nora Marie Carter was born on Monday, March 5th, 8:30am. She weighed in at 8lb, 6.5 oz and was 20.5 inches long. I was much relieved to finally have her on the outside instead of all scrunched inside!
The boys came over to visit after school. Ryan was pretty excited--he wanted to hold her with John and did his little jitter/smiling/tongue-wagging happy dance.
Trevor was a bit more cautious and didn't want to hold her yet. He went through looking at all her itty bitty features--fingers, feet, toes and all that, but was happy to let me hold her while he checked her out.
Opening her eyes more
We stayed in the hospital two nights before heading home. Trevor is probably the most smitten with his baby sister.
Trev reading her his homework reader and singing her a song

Superheroes hold babies too
Bapa's got a pile now
Ryan, Grandma Linda, and Nora
Happy Birthday Party grandma and Trev planned while we were in the hospital
One week old now: