Saturday, March 31, 2012

T-Ball Season in Full Swing (get it?)

Trevor gets to play t-ball this year. It's apparently a serious deal out here--his team has a manager, two coaches, and a team mom to keep everything in order. Trev's team is the Oriel's (initially he explained it's because they all like those kind of cookies). Here's a clip from Trev's first game--they have the kids try to hit from a pitching machine first and Trev got a hit every time he was at bat!

Trev's turn as catcher. When he walked out to his spot, he tried to be as close to the fence (far away from the batter) as he could get. The coach reassured him that the balls aren't going to hurt. And that it's good to get his turn over with before it gets hotter out.

Ryan was pretty interested in the helmet--they dubbed it a knight helmet.

Nora might not be that into baseball.

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