Monday, May 20, 2013

Ryan's Recital

Ry's dance class had their recital--he was a prince among princesses (and one other prince). They did a good job and were super cute.

Here's the videos from the two performances... not super great quality with the focusing. The second one I didn't realize was so out of focus until I saw it at home. Ryan's the taller boy in shorts for both performances.

 Prince Ryan, Princess Jessica, and Princess Megan
Heading over to the stage
Ryan sat on his crown right before the second performance... luckily there was an engineer in the group to fix it up in time for the kids to go on stage.
 Taking pictures after the show--Princess Jessica, Princess Katie, Princess Megan, Prince Ryan, and Buzz Lightyear

 Silly face picture
 Ryan goes all out for the silly pictures
 Ry doing his pliĆ©
Showing off their arabesque

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