Monday, June 10, 2013


School is out! So we headed up past Kennedy Meadows for some camping with friends. 

This is one of two minivans full of stuff necessary for our one night stay...

The boys gravitated towards the piles of rocks. This was the marmot pile... due to the piles of marmot scat

 Mommy! I found a humongous pine cone!

 Binoculars were quite popular. Quite often used backwards to tell us how tiny we look. 

 Ryan using his bow and arrow to slay the dragon log.

 More humongous pine cones... though less noticed by the pine cone hunter now turned dragon log slayer

 Campfire! Actually, the kids were interested in the bucket behind the fire. Will and Trevor spent a lot of time catching bugs and building a habitat for them in the bucket. Nora thought the bucket was a large cup holder for her sippy and sometimes a Nora holder for one of her legs.

 Nora looking adoringly at her daddy.

 Nora and Ryan antics

She was pretty happy about food on the trip. 

All camped out 

The kids conked out on the drive home 

A mommy and baby black bear we saw crossing the street as we were driving back. It was pretty exciting. The boys woke up and got to see them, though I think Ryan was too groggy to care.

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