Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

The boys got to have two Halloween days this year--one on Thursday at their daycare and then last night at our house. The center puts on a 'parade' where the kids walk around the building and trick or treat at all the classrooms. Then they walked them over to the base infirmary to trick or treat more there. Turns out that the majority of the preschool age kids were either superheroes or princesses. When I walked into the classroom I found at least five spidermen (black and red ones), two ironmen, a supergirl, superman, and a couple batmen. It was like they had their own little Justice League. Only one Super Trevor though.

Super Trevor--the shirt is on backwards, but Trev said he liked it that way...

Trevor and Jorja comparing loot. I think not too long after this point Trevor decided he really had enough candy and kept trying to hand off his bag to me.

I was expecting that Ryan's room would just have the kids crawling around in their costumes while the big kids walked by, but turns out they dressed them up and strapped them into little buggies to walk around too.

Trick or treating is exhausting

We had a Halloween party at our house this year and were happy to have lots of big and little people in costumes. Trevor was pretty excited about answering the door for trick or treaters but was less excited about going out and doing it himself. He and John walked down a couple houses to see the 'scary house' but it ended up being scary enough that they only watched from the sidewalk. I think he still didn't see much point in going door to door when there are candy and cupcakes at our house already.

Super Trevor and his assistant

Ryan Lion and Lady attacked by a Lion

Ryan Lion and Brady the skunk

Happy Heroes

Lion Taming

Extra cute costume for crawling

Don't mess with Super Trev and his Assistant


Sandy said...

Great costumes! You are such a fun family!!!

As for the backwards shirt--Ben always used to say "How else will I learn about backwards?!" He regularly wore shirts and underwear backwards (in his younger days).

Teri S. said...

Such cute pictures! Thanks so much for the party - it sure was fun to see all of those super cute kiddos in costumes!


shelvey said...

You did such an amazing job with the costumes! Can't believe how creative you guys are. I loved how you were the "lady attacked by a lion". :)