Saturday, July 17, 2010

A camping we went

We went camping last weekend up at Troy Meadows. It's up past Kennedy Meadows a little ways, maybe an hour and a half from town (wasn't keeping track...). The area was really nice. Lots of trees and nice temperatures. Turns out the area is also very popular for dirt biking. They were all very quiet at the campground, but it was very noticeable when walking around that we seemed to be the odd ones out without the bikes resting near our area.

We're guessing this might be the 'meadow'

Trevor is always excited to climb

Cooking dinner... sometime before this point I stopped trying to keep up with the boys' grubbiness

Can you spot the clever Ryan?

Ryan seems to be camera trained--he was popping in between the trees saying "cheese!"

We discovered something partway into the trip. Ryan REALLY likes inclines. So the major lesson we learned is that we should get a campsite that is down from the road instead of a little up. Ryan's favorite activity was to run down slopes. So into the road and then down the road. We took quite a few little jaunts up and down the hill (he'd only want to walk up maybe half the time though).


The next morning--Trevor guiding Ryan back up the hill. I think he was saying something like "see Ryan, that's number 17" (referring to the site markers)

The next day we had our pancakes, played around a little, and then packed up before finding a good hiking spot. It rained overnight a little but things weren't too damp.

Happy Hikers

Trevor did really well for the hike. It was probably an hour and had a little altitude gain. There were enough rocks to climb over to keep his interest. And he decided that he was a super hero pretty early on and used his 'sticky boots' and 'sticky hands' to help along the way. It was a good reframing for him because he got some sap stuck on his hands that wouldn't completely come off. So he definitely made the best of it.

I think most of his happy moments were on top of large piles of rock

Ryan and I waiting for Trev and John to come back down from the rocks. Ryan was declaring 'no' to saying cheese... getting tired.

Drive home

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