Trevor fishing. He was very excited about his rubber boots--wore them everywhere the entire trip.
We went to Kasilof for the first weekend so John, George and dad could go drift fishing. Grandma, the boys and I hung out around the house, found a cool park in Soldotna, tried to watch a parade but ended up being rain/drizzled out, and then went to Dairy Queen. Not a bad day.
The property backed right onto the Kasilof River
Grandma caught a Ryan fish
Ryan had grandma go down the slide with him many many times
Ryan took to Grandpa pretty quick. He liked wearing Grandpa's hat, and learned a new phrase "Come on!" while visiting. As in 'come on Grandpa, lets go for a walk'.

Trev was pretty good at getting Uncle Sam to play in his playhouse
We took the boys on a little hike out of the Eagle River Nature Center. Trevor was not in the mood that day and continually explained how this was 'not a good idea at all' and that he hated it. He had some spurts of interest when we'd come to the walkways and when I'd let him take some pictures... but over all he stuck to it being 'a very bad idea'.
Happy again to be on the walkway
Ryan had fun
We went to Benihana one night. I had the boys on my own most of that day because John, George and dad went golfing and mom was working. They were very excited to see their grandparents again after being seperated the entire day.

So excited to see Bapa

The look of one happily spoiled little boy
Ryan using chopsticks
The airshow took place the second weekend of our visit. It was pretty cool to look around and watch the planes. Even for someone with minimal knowledge of airplanes.

This seemed to be one of the more interesting parts for John and George

Popcicle break under the wing--it was one of the warmest days of our visit
Trev was pretty excited to be wearing boots and a hat like a fireman
We took Trev out on his own to have lunch, walk around downtown a bit, and go to the museum.
Lunch at the counter cause we're cool like that... and didn't want to wait over an hour for a table
Aaahhh! We're touching the sun! --planet walk downtown
Interactive exhibit at museum
John and I went out to Thunderbird Falls. It was super fun--we went out on the rocks at the bottom and got so used to the mist that the light rain on the walk back was barely noticable.
The picture doesn't do it justice. It's a very coherent smoke ring, probably 200' or more in the air and 10-20 feet across. Watched it travel upward for quite a while, wish I had video. Can't believe the air was that still.
Looks like it was a great trip. I love that pic of Ryan walking down that path. It is a really good shot, you should have it enlarged. :) Someone is a good picture taker! Makes me want to go to Alaska hehe.
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