Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bird Day

So late last week Trevor asked me "Can we have a bird day?". Initially I thought he was saying he wanted more birthday-ness. Then he explained that he was saying "bird" not "birth" by flapping his arms. I asked what bird day was (in case I was missing out on some cartoon or preschool reference). He explained that 'you know--we make pictures of birds and feed birds and do fun bird activities'. So it seemed like a pretty valid request. And hence bird day this week.

Making bird feeders--pine cones with peanut butter and bird seed, and stringing cheerios on pipe cleaners

Ryan liked stringing the cheerios but then declared that "not bird food. Food for Ryan" and started eating them. He also tried to eat the pine cone when I explained it was part of the bird food. Not as tastie.

Ta-da! Unfortunately the birds did not swarm into the yard to eat our bird food and give us instant gratification. However, we did spy a couple later in the day nibbling on our creations.

Cutting out bird pictures from magazines to paste on their bird books.

Okay. This has nothing to do with birds. But he was sitting playing with his Mickey Mouse toys while having a basket on his head.

We measured out the wingspans of the birds in their bird books. Trevor is now pretty impressed by bald eagles. The top two are Trev and Ry's wingspans.

This is Trevor pretending to be a hummingbird. We spent a bit of time listening to different bird calls on the Cornell bird site. He was trying to remember and mimic them.

Mmm... Bird...

And of course when you think 'bird' you have to think 'angry birds'. So we played our own version.

Trev showing an angry bird

The pigs and structure

Trev is very familiar with the game app. Ryan not so much. It took a bit of explaining that this time we want to knock down the thing we just built up.

1 comment:

shelvey said...

Bird Day is awesome!! You guys are so creative. Will there be other days like "Dinosaur Day" or "Elephant Day"????