Trevor was greatly encouraged in his sport skills--he played baseball and football with grandpa quite a bit. He's getting pretty good at hitting the ball and grandpa has been showing him to run afterwards. The game still needs a little fine tuning as he'll take off running regardless if he hits the thing because he likes to be chased with the ball, then a lot of the time he'll yell "your out!" when he gets back to his bat whether or not he's batting or field. Makes the game more fun.
They have a music in the park program for the kiddos at a park down town. It was pretty fun and interactive (and had reindeer sausage stands close by) so I took the boys a couple times. The downtown area is pretty exciting to walk around with all the tourist shops. Seems like every block or so has a giant stuffed bear, moose, puffin, wolf, etc. Trevor claimed all of them as his friends.
Ryan at the park
Trevor takes egg shaking very seriously
Trevor and his bear friend
I am proud to say that Trevor can now identify Salmon
Trevor got to go to work with Grandpa a couple times while we were up. This means that he got to ride in the big red truck, get a donut, check in with grandma at the office on the cell phone and trail grandpa around in the morning. He was pretty cute in making a production out of it while leaving--waving and telling me he has to go to work with bapa now, he'll see me later.
He also got to help drive the tractor when my parents drive way was being prepared for asphalt. Again, very serious the whole time. Clarence let him move all the sticks and knobs, pushing and lifting the dirt.

We went to the Imaginarium one morning and as luck would have it, a majority of the exhibits were focused on aerodynamics. So Trevor got to play with his first wind tunnel. Ryan enjoyed the mirror room.
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