Waiting for John to set up the stuff
We went on a little hike out to the meadow. When we were getting ready to head out Trevor saw the baby backpack and asked what it was. I explained that's what we carry Ryan in when we're hiking. Then Trevor asked what we carry him in... he was quite the trooper. The meadow is really pretty and has a stream running through it. So obviously that means your supposed to throw rocks in. Pretty exciting stuff.
Caught Ry raising his eyebrow--and you can see his new streamlined hair-do
Trev was pretty into helping at the campfire. He had a whole pile of little sticks and acorns gathered to throw in and thought the hotdogs were pretty darn good. He was super tired by marshmallow time, but again the little trooper managed to stay up to eat a few. He pretty much put one on a stick, warmed it up minimally and then popped it in his mouth. He thought it was pretty weird that I liked to eat burned marshmallows. After marshmallows Trevor surprised us by coming over and asking very politely "Can I go to bed now?".
The next day John made pancakes and coffee--both very delicious, and we played around a little bit. Trevor was pretty entertained with everything around him--dirt, trees, rocks, dirt, pine cones, other people's dogs, dirt. Ryan had spurts of happiness, but was pretty tired and filled with snot overall. He had a hard time staying asleep and it was hard to tell if he was too hot, too cold, too weird of a place, or just achey. All four of us went to bed early the next night after we got home and we all slept in an extra hour or too the next morning. We'll definitely do it again, but probably wait til next summer to go overnight so Ryan can be a little more sturdy.
"I climbed a tree!"
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