John was in New Mexico for work the entire week and my parents were visiting anyway to support the John and Jasmine 10 year anniversary retreat, the kids and I flew back up to Alaska with my parents while he was away. We were in LA for a couple days before taking off.
So the LA highlights consisted of going to an outdoor mall (escalators! escalators! fountains!), going to the Labrea tar pits and museum, and then of course going to the airport. I feel a little like we're hicks any time we travel out of town and come across fountains, elevators, or escalators. Trev is super excited about all of these and we get to spend a lot of time looking and riding.
Trevor was a little concerned for the elephants at the tar pit (mammoth statues that show some stuck in the tar). Unfortunately, it was the mommy elephant who seemed to be meeting her demise. Despite there being no dinosaurs there, Trevor enjoyed seeing the fossils (and learned that new word). Grandma bought him some binoculars at the gift shop so looking at stuff became even more fun. And there were fountains. Lots of fountains.
We went to Venice Beach the morning before heading out to the airport. Turns out ducks like cheerios and once we could track some down Trevor had quite the minion to lead around the canals. It stuck with him because a couple weeks later when we were at the Big Lake "cabin" I suggested we get crackers to feed some ducks in the lake and he explained that ducks don't like crackers. Ducks eat cheerios. Duh.
The airport was VERY exciting. Actually, the excitement began at the car rental place. He was pretty impressed by all of the cars there and kept talking to the announcement that periodically played that reminded people to leave the cars unlocked with the keys inside ("I know I know We did that already") Then Trevor was very impressed with riding the bus to the airport. He was spending most of it saying "Weeeeeee!" and every now and then "Whoa!". And he also felt the need to talk to the driver whenever there was an announcement of the airlines we pulled up to ("No, grandma said this is not our stop. We have to stay on the bus"). We traveled in style with the grandparents and got to go to the AK airlines board room to wait for the flight. It's a wonderful place with huge windows for Trevor to look out of, a kids area with a TV movies and books, cookies, and wine.

The flight itself was also exciting. Trevor sat with grandma for the LAX to Seattle flight while dad and I took care of Ryan. Then the Seattle to Anchorage flight I took Trevor because grandma was exhausted and turned out Trev was equally tired out and fell asleep before we even took off. The airports and whole traveling experience felt pretty tiring and hectic, but I think overall I lucked out.
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