Monday, July 23, 2007

Trip to San Jose

Trevor and I just got back from our week in San Jose, accompanying John on his work travel (John is still up there working over the next week too). Here's some highlights from our trip:

Pro: Lots of yummy restaurants in the area (and tons of Indian food)
Con: Trevor was off and on not amused while sitting in restaurants and has developed a screaming banshee type way of letting us know
Bonus Pro: He does approve of places that serve rice because you can pick each piece up and put it into a cup. And then take it out again.

Pro: San Jose area had tons of stuff to check out while John was at work, such as the Museum of Quilting and Textiles (they were having a war exhibit)
Con: Trevor thought he should be able to run around and feel all the objects. At times he'd use before mentioned banshee scream to note his opinion.

Pro: There was a Gymboree play gym near by and Trevor and I got to go to one of the classes.
Con: ... um... no con. He loved it and played himself silly.

Pro: We got to visit the Winchester Mystery House (was home to Mrs. Winchester of the Winchester Rifle Winchester). She had it in continuous construction and odd structural decisions to ward off spirits of those killed by the rifles.
Con: Trevor decided that he was not amused part way through and proceeded with some screaming banshee.
Bonus Pro: This was short lived and he quickly conked out.

Pro: Aaron and Emily live somewhat nearby so they drove in to visit and we took a trip with them to the Kwik-E-Mart (Simpsons movie promotion)
Con: No cons. Mmm... electric pink donuts...

Pro: We went on a hike through a pretty area with lots of trees and pretty views.
Con: John read that it was only an 800 ft elevation gain, but turns out it was gaining and losing 800 ft over and over again... and evidently Trevor is pretty heavy going up hill.

Pro: Trevor was worn out by the time we left for home and slept most of the way. Proving his love for his mommy who was braving the 6 hour drive with him alone.

Con: N/A

And for the finale, here's a video of Trev and John playing in a grassy area. The number of parks and play areas around was a definate pro. And we could go to them in the middle of the day without the crazy death heat temperatures.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Boot it up

Trevor is on his way to staying pasty white and developing good hand eye coordination... we gave him a broken cordless mouse to use while John uses the working mouse. So now he thinks he's playing on the computer and will sit with John working at this for over his average attention span length. So forget playing outside--newest funnest toy ever!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back from Alaska

We (plus our friend George) were up visiting my family for a little over a week and had quite the good time. It was cloudy a lot, but this is a very good thing from our point of view. After a couple days in Anchorage we went down to Homer so the boys (minus the little one) could go fishing. Trevor got to see his first cache and get a good look at the water. Grandma Linda fulfilled her grandma duties in making batches of cookies. I tried to take a picture of him eating one the first day, but he ended up shoving the whole thing in his mouth by the time I took the picture. Over the week Trevor reinforced his mommy's-boyness, liking most other people a lot better from a distance, but I think he's getting better with others overall. After coming home again, he seemed most excited to see his ceiling fans (you can see two fans at the same time if you stand in the right area--very exciting). He's also now extra cautious about stairs--after going down the real stairs at his grandparents house a bit, he will now drop to all fours and turn around to get past the itty bitty step/bump through the patio.