Sunday, January 20, 2013

January Happenings

Here are some pictures from all over the month of January... 

We had New Years Eve movie night with my parents this year. Mom brought over hats and horns. After some very excited horn blowing, the instruments turned into swords. And I preferred them this way. We had snacks and watched Princess Bride. Trevor loved the movie and Ryan fell asleep a bit too early to really tell. 

Grandma Linda and Nora

Terse New Years Fairy

Ryan crashing on Bapa Steve

Despite the cold frigid winter weather, we've had a few park outings. Trevor has recently learned how to ride his bike without training wheels and now likes to run off with one of his neighbor friends to ride along the street. Ryan has upgraded to a big boy bike and is pretty excited that he's so big and so fast.

Trev on two wheels

Ry on his big boy bike

Nora on her wheels

 Experimenting with the slide

 She likes to hang out but not so into the actual sliding part yet

 My biggest and littlest babies

 Nora has now figured out how to pull up and get around a little bit with the push walkers. Luckily for us she is still working on getting up the stairs.

This is what happens when daddy dresses Nora for church...

Picture taken by Ryan

Picture taken with Ryan

We went on a day hike at Red Rock Canyon this weekend. It was super nice out and a lot of fun. Though Ryan argued by the end that it was a bad idea and that he TOLD me that we shouldn't have gone hiking that day. This was about a half hour after his declaring it the best day ever...

Ryan started announcing that I should take a picture of him when we'd approach a good sitting rock. 

Trev helping Ry down to sit on the chair rock

Aren't they cute

At the first top

John and the Nora pack

Another picture sitting rock

Lunch break

Nora was really good at spotting the raisin hidden among the pebbles. 

The boys favorite part--they went looking for caves to explore

This was about the point of 'best day ever'

Looking at the would be waterfall

Another resting rock.