Thursday, September 13, 2012

Six Months Already!

Nora had her 6 month appointment earlier this week, so her latest stats:
Weight: 16lb (50th %tile)
Length: 27 inches (90th %tile)
Head circumference: 17.25 inches (right between 75th and 90th %tile)

She's eating tons of different foods now and playing around with the idea of drinking water from a cup. She's figured out how to eat mum mums (baby wafer) and also seems to think that she should be able to hold her own utinsels. And just this week we found a tooth!

She sits up with just a little support, is an avid roller and swivler.

Another new event in the past week is her deciding to have preferences. She now complains if someone other than her teacher tries to help her if the teacher is in her view and she is giving her grandparents a hard time on their recent visit. They came in last night and she's not as quick to jump into laps as she was just a month ago.

Ryan has taken more interest in holding Nora now that she can hold herself up a lot better.

And here's a video from earlier this week: