Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I think that Trevor more appreciated the holiday this year, especially now that he has a better understanding of candy. I went with him to his daycare this morning to attend their trick-or-treat parade and then we went out trick-or-treating at as many friends' houses that we could fit into a good hour/hour and a half. At first he seemed not too sure about the whole process, but after a house or two got the hang of it. We'd take him out of the car, give him his bag and tinker-kitty, and he'd start to giggle and make a beeline to the door. He never quite got the staying on the porch thing--instead wanted to walk right on in everyone's houses when they opened the door.

Up until this morning I was curious to how they planned on getting a whole class of toddlers to walk together for their parade. The trick was ropes with slip handles. The kids were pretty cute to watch. They didn't really seem to take notice of eachother's costumes--just another day of parents making odd wardrobe choices.

And the candy--earlier today someone gave him a mini-Hershey bar that was wrapped pretty solidly. He started chewing on it wrapped and I didn't think much of it. By the time we got to the car I found the wrapper still looking intact, but he must have gnawed a bit of a hole and managed to chew about a third of the candy bar out.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Little Friends

Our big exciting event this weekend was getting to babysit Baby Brandon for a few hours. Trevor was great with the baby--first thing he did was offer Brandon Mr. Bear and his blankie. Then he wedged himself into my lap with the baby and put his arm around Brandon's shoulder. The only snag was when the baby was hungry and got a bottle--Trev made the most pathetically sad face I've ever seen. You'd think he had all of the sudden gotten a firm understanding of what his birthday, Disneyland and Santa were and then they were all ripped away from him at once. So he got a bottle too.

When Brandon went to sleep a bit (and we put him in the crib to be out of reach from his helpful buddy) Trev tried to shove jammies in the crib at Brandon through the slots and kept trying to run back and check on him so much we had to close the door for a bit to let the kiddo rest. After a while he kept holding his hands out to let me carry him around the house. Brandon wasn't too much bigger than Mr. Bear, so maybe he thought he could manage it. It was way funny. I was impressed with Trevor's hospitality towards his guest.

I also put a picture of Trevor and one of his friends from the play group we go to each week. He's not quite as hospitable to his friends who are closer in age...but they're usually friendly enough with each other as long as one of the girls (not pictured) doesn't try to hug him too much and leaves his water bottle alone. Once again it can be a curse being so ridiculously good looking.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Pumpkin Patch Day

We went to visit Murray Farms in Bakersfield this weekend--they had a whole fall extravaganza. Rows of pumpkins to run through out front, a hay ride tour of the farm, a pick your own pumpkin patch, a hay maze, an asparagus maze, and a petting zoo. So it was a busy afternoon.

The picture of Trevor sitting in the yellow stuff is like a corn-instead-of-sand box. John was playing 'hide kitty in the corn' and Trevor was getting pretty frantic that his daddy was doing something questionable to beloved kitty.

The hay ride was pretty cool--the actual owner guy was giving the tour. Trev liked the rows of little pumpkins to choose from, but seemed to view them more as funny balls to throw on the ground than somewhat fragile objects to return home with. We'll have to try carving one this week to see what he thinks of the slimy stuff.

Oh, and while we were out and about in Bakersfield John and I would do the holding on to Trevor's hand and swing him in the air thing while walking. Trevor evidently liked this and then went on to expect it in most situations where mommy or daddy require that he hold their hand. So when we were walking in a parking lot yesterday and I grabbed onto his hand, he pretty quickly became limp and swung himself back right into the cement. No injury, so it was pretty funny. My baby is a genius of sorts.

Monday, October 15, 2007

High Desert Fair

We went to the local fair this last weekend--a good almost two hours of entertainment... it'll be super fun for him in another year or two. The highlights were seeing the horses, pygmy goats and various livestock. And Trevor seemed pretty in awe of the different rides and all the noise. We tried to give him a corn dog, but he passed... but seemed to thoroughly enjoy kettle corn (he gets that from me).

I'm getting excited about his Halloween costume (he's going to be Peter Pan)--we just got the tights in the mail yesterday and Trevor had a 'so far' dress rehearsal (his sleeves need doctoring still and he needs a belt and hat). John was trying to teach him how to leap and prance, but it seems a bit past his skill set for now. However, he has developed a kind of new walk where he'll sort of trot around--I think this is a side affect of his jumping lessons with daddy.

Trevor also added a new and important word to his vocabulary today--"outside". So now not only can he bring his shoes and my shoes and stand at the door, he can now start giving more verbal commands.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Belle of Kernville

We were up in the Kernville area yesterday for Jayson and Michelle's wedding. So I got to dress the little guy up and he looked friggin' adorable. Every time John took him out to wander around outside or to have a playing in the park break he'd get tons of comments on how cute Trevor was--and Trevor did a good job with flirting it up by blowing kisses and waving at people as they'd walk by. He was a little more cautious in the reception hall with the tons of people, but did end up taking many offers to high-5 and enjoyed any part of the reception that had clapping involved. He got to help the best man out in his speech by making an 'ah ha haha' type babble noise during some dead air time. We partied all the way until 8:30. So the little dude is on his way to becoming a rock star (... I have to say sometimes I do feel like we're his entourage following him around all over, offering him refreshments, etc.)