Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Trev's 4th

Trevor turned four on the 18th. I think that makes him officially a 'kid' now. Turns out that there are a lot of things that four year olds can do... just ask Trev and he'll start making out a list. We also had a visit from grandma and grandpa Quigley during that week to help with his celebrating.

He took 'big cookies' (the ones that you cut up into wedges) into his class. I got off work a little bit early to attend too. It was pretty cute. He got to wear a crown and sit in the middle of the half circle table where the teacher usually sits. The kids sang to him and after snack a few came over to pat his back.

We went to Walmart after his daycare party to buy his big boy bike. He already tried it out a week or two before and was excited to get the 'big one'. I think he managed to tell everyone in the store who made eye contact that he was indeed four. And that he was going to get a big boy bike because he is now four.

We had a birthday party for him Saturday which was also pretty exciting...

Trev and his friend Jorja--Super Heroes!

They managed to get the costumes on themselves and had fun zooming around. Until they decided that they wanted to wear each other's costumes (of course at different points of time... it would have been way too convenient to just want a straight trade). This triggered a need for a period of solitude.

I found a really cool octopus mold on sale the weekend prior to his birthday. Luckily he was all for octopus cake because I had secretly declared that all future holidays or major milestones should now include octopus.

Dinosaurs rip through presents pretty quickly

Monday, May 3, 2010

San Diego Trip

We went to San Diego last weekend for a couple days to hang around Balboa Park, and meet some friends for a zoo trip. And of course for the excitement of going out of town(though that might have been mostly just excitement on my part). We left right after work Thursday and got in just in time to go to bed. The boys are apparently party animals because they mostly napped before stopping for dinner past Victorville; not after. But they were pretty happy for most of the drive. Turns out that Trevor's preference in music is Lady Gaga and William Shatner spoken word... we'll have to work on that.

We found a park at Balboa Park. Lots of animals to climb on and the usual park stuff.

We let Trev pick between the dinosaur (natural history) museum and the science (Rueben H. Fleet Science Center) museum and he went for the latter. It was pretty much all hands on type exhibits so he made a good choice.

The next day we went to the San Diego Zoo and met up with some friends and their kiddos. It seems like we treked through most of the areas of the park and saw a lot. Trevor seemed most interested in the giraffes, elephants, hippos, and the animal statue things he could climb on. Ryan continues to be the most excited about goats. And trying to climb through fences.

Trev trying to show the rhino his rhino socks

John and Trevor created shot--"aaahhh I'm being squished by an elephant!!!" John was pretty suprised that everyone wasn't backed up trying to do this.

Hiiiiieeeee goat!!

Here Goatee Goatee

Trev was excited to be a spider. Ryan was excited to stick his head through a hole.

The hippos were pretty mesmerizing

We spent maybe a good six hours there before heading back home. In retrospect, we probably should have spent more like 5 and a half hours there... or at least stopped for snack a half hour earlier than we did. But after some more food they were good to go. Trevor thought he was ready to see more animals, but that seemed like beyond pushing it so we headed on home. They both conked out in the car until dinner in Adelanto and were pretty ready for bed once we got home. Ryan seemed especially happy to see his crib again.