Monday, August 25, 2008

Mike and Alisha Party

Well... more like we went over to Mike and Alisha's for dessert, but if there's ice cream or cake Trev seems to declare it a 'party'. We went over for a visit last night and I managed to remember to take a camera.

Alisha teaching Trevor how to "chill" in the hammock

Last time we were over, Alisha taught Trevor how to use one of those little back rubbing things to rub her back. This time Trevor found out that it works on his back too, so no more free back rubs from Trevor. He seemed to inherit my back rubbing gene because he loved it.

Other than back rubs and cake, we've been coming to the end of summer break. I start back at the schools bright and early tomorrow. John is in Ohio for the first half of this week, so the next couple of days will be extra busy for me. Trevor has moved to one of the toddler rooms at daycare and seems to find it pretty fun--you can tell by how messy he gets the days that he goes. He has learned some new songs that he has been singing at home--we'll have to ask what they are because all we can make out is "fish swim swim fish swim swim (etc.) and then BUBBLE! Pop!" Sometimes he throws in a crocodile too... so I'm not sure if that's part of the song or an embellishment. His language seems to be booming the past few months, so it's a lot of fun hearing him talk about things, sing, and interact in new ways.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Aaron visit, development of office and baby

We had our anatomy scan this morning for babywithnoname and everything checked out with good proportions, size and location. Here's a few ultrasound shots--the first is of his head, the second is proof of his manhood.

And we got our cabinets in last week for the office nook... very pretty... I've been excitedly moving things into them today. As you can tell, they still need the desk tops, so you'll have to use your imaginations a bit.

And our last recent event was Dr. Aaron Garnett (aka "Dr. Wiskas") coming to visit. He and a friend were meeting in Lone Pine to climb Mt. Whitney, and he stayed with us the day before and day after. Trevor found Aaron to be hil-a-rious and we took some pictures as proof of Trevor now liking Aaron.

okay, Trev does look a little concerned in the second picture, but he was having fun during non picture times :)