Thursday, September 23, 2010

Apple Picking

Ryan the muffin monster

Trevor a little more civilized with his petite scone

We went apple picking in Tehachapi the weekend before last. It was Ryan's first time (if you don't count the time he went while in the womb) so Trev helped show him the ropes.

Trev was a good picker and Ryan really liked carrying the bag around.

Ryan found that it was easier to put apples that were already on the floor in the bag. His bag had a couple questionable picks... this apple he was really working at--it took him a couple tries to get it in because the bag kept collapsing.

Then the bag got heavy. There was a little period of frustration in trying to drag the thing around before deciding that it was okay for someone else to carry the bag for a while too.

Two pecks of apples!

When in Tehachapi you have to see the trains... I was taking a picture of the boys when Ryan started to run off after the train. John said I missed a better picture... but I was a bit focused on discouraging the toddler running at the train.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Monkey and Cheez Boy

Trev has become more interested in trees lately--asking to spend parts of the evening up in the front or backyard trees.

Talking on the phone to the Quigley grandparents

He likes to climb a little bit higher and ask "mommy is this concerning?"

Seems to be genetic

Ryan saw me taking pictures of Trev and started saying "CHEEEEEEEEEEEZ!"

And "Oooooooooo"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Park Time

We had a break from the heat last weekend so we got to go to one of the parks with no shade for the first time in quite a while. There's a pretty big slide that Ryan got to climb up and go down on his own for the first time. Then Trevor and Ryan decided that it was even more fun to make a Carter train.

And Trevor's pole sliding skills: