Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We've had a busy couple of weeks go by... so lots of pictures. Grandma Linda was busy with craft and cooking projects--she combined them to help Trev make a gingerbread house. He seemed pretty interested in it and helped with it's construction, but once the candy came out he was preoccupied with the eating instead of the decorating. He got a handful and said "I want to put it in my mouth!" and then spent the rest of the time making sure the quality of the different candies were consistent. He almost put one on the house, but changed his mind last minute and in his mouth it went. So John, my mom and I spent the evening decorating it (despite Trevor's claims that he made it).

Our church had a Christmas Eve service that Trevor managed to sit through in it's entirety. We were asked to do the 5th advent candle lighting that evening so Trevor had his first taste of 'mommy and daddy church' (as opposed to the nursery). He did amazingly well--for the entire service and both John and I were very proud. We went out to dinner afterwards and happened to see a man dressed up as Santa stop in to use the facilities. So the rest of the evening Trev was able to describe how he did see Santa and "Santa go pee!".

Christmas morning was pretty exciting. When I went into Trev's room and told him it was Christmas, he immediately asked "Santa in my house?". When I explained he came when we were sleeping and that sometimes you can here him late at night, Trev agreed that he had heard him and that he heard lots of reindeer too. We went to the living room where the presents from Santa were pushed out in the living room from the tree and Trev exclaimed "that too many!". We opened stockings before breakfast and anything with packaging had to be opened immediately while any piece of candy he saw he stated "I want to eat it". He was pretty patient and waited until after breakfast and after cleaning up breakfast to start opening presents and again was excited by every toy, wanting them open so he can play with them immediately. Every now and then he'd stop to show Ryan presents too.

One of John's toys was a wii fit--Trev wanted to play too--he was most interested in the yoga pose where you hold hour leg up to your knee and a game where you go back and forth to hit soccer balls with your head (he ends the game by falling off the wii pad and saying "ow my head!").

Today is the last full day with the Quigley grandparents and Uncle Sam. They'll be heading out tomorrow afternoonish. And then John will be back to work Monday(he was home last week). So we'll figure out our new 'normal again. And then I'll go back to work in February so we'll have to do it again...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Growing and Growing

Both of them actually. I took Ryan to his three week's wellness check. It's usually done at two weeks, but he had to get his circumcision done closer to two weeks (which I believe is now actually the worst day of his life)so they pushed it out to around the three week mark.

So the three wee growth stats are...

Weight: 9.25lbs (about 50th percentile)
Length: 22inches (about 75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 15.5inches (close to 90th percentile)

Trev isn't quite so regularly measured, but is now able to reach light switches without help all of the sudden. Not that he wasn't able to work them before, he just would put a block underneath to stand on. So we're not all sitting in the dark right now due to his new found ability.

Here's some cute pictures of the boys. I managed to find a time when both Ryan was awake and Trevor was willing to hold still for the camera...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving Turkeys

We've passed two weeks of being a family of four. We're continuing to adjust--John and I to the lack of consistent sleep and insane amount of diapers, Trevor to the baby that seems to be staying a while, and Ryan to the whole being outside of the womb with all that variation of temperature. Trev is turning out to be a great big brother--he got pretty tired of hearing "careful" at first, but now seems to get what he can and can't do for the most part. Every morning he looks for his baby and plays tickle and kissy game with him during the day. He's good at letting us know when to put the baby down (and will even point out the specific location). And he's very aware of Ryan's pacifier and helps in both suggesting when Ryan might want it and in helping us find one. Here's a video that I took Thanksgiving morning. Trev and I were up making cranberry muffins and Ryan was hanging out nearby.

Trev was helping make Ryan 'feel better' and was pretty excited when he'd do something that worked. Then by the time I was taking the video he thought that the pacifier game was pretty funny and once Ryan took it Trev was going to try to take it back so he could give it to him again.

Here's some more Thanksgiving pictures...

Grandma and Trevor making turkey place cards for dinner

Finished product

Thanksgiving morning

Grandpa and Ryan watching football

Trevor and Grandma rough housing