Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ryan's Well-Check Appointment

Ryan had his two month appointment today where the doctor confirmed that he is indeed a big boy. He's also very proportional, measuring 90th percentile on all the charts.

Weight: 13.68 lbs

Length: 24 inches

Head Circumference: 16.5 inches

The doctor said he looks like he could be three or four months... which I could have told him just based on how he's grown out of most of his 0-3 month clothes already. So here's a couple more pictures of Ry on his twomonthday. Note the curly hair (still not sure where that's from).


shelvey said...

I love his dark curly hair! Perhaps he would like to join us for book club? :)

Jeff Scott said...

That's a pretty sweet shirt.