Friday, February 6, 2009

Doublemint Twins

Okay... they're not very hard to tell apart, but as you could probably guess, I found it very exciting to dress Trev and Ryan in matching tops. When John saw them in the morning he mentioned "mommy must be taking pictures today". So there you go.


"Little smile"

Trevor started his Kindergym class on Monday and he's showing of his new stretching moves. Except the only one he remembered was the 'seal stretch'... the kitty stretch he seems to be guessing... He really liked his first class--most notably the balance beam and spring board. I'm pretty thrilled that they started up again and Trev can have a special thing. ("Baby Ryan can't jump... he too little")


shelvey said...

Next, you should dress them both in little dresses with ribbons in their hair!! hehe.

Jasmine said...

I hope that you have girls for your future children's sake... :)