Sunday, February 22, 2009

Up up and away!

Our friend Jayson was nice enough to take Trevor and John flying in his airplane this weekend. I'm blogging a bit blindly today, since I was not actually there... but John took pictures and filled me in. Trevor's main statement was "I go in Jayson's airplane!" over and over... though filled with excitement, it's not too descriptive. I told his aunt he was going to fly on an airplane this weekend and her response is, "Wait what did I miss, where is Trevor going?" The answer: "To Mojave for lunch."

Jayson and Trevor doing the preflight check...

Trevor had to wear little ear plugs for noise protection. I'm impressed that he kept them in the whole time.

There was a fly-in at Mojave this Saturday, so there were a bunch of interesting airplanes to look at in addition to having lunch. Trevor had a grilled cheese sandwich and a fruit cup that had maybe five types of fruit including kiwi and strawberries. Trevor said it was yummy (though also claimed he had chicken soup but did not). John had a chicken sandwich and fries--both had a nice seasoning. John said they said they were good. Trevor got away with drinking two apple juices and "got poops" so John left a present for Burt Rattan in the trashcan at the entry of the Scaled Composites hanger.


JRB said...

Sorry I didn't get video. I had the camcorder, but forgot to charge the battery. Then last night I realized I had the spare battery with me so I could have just changed it! O well, I guess we'll just have to go fly again...

Jeff Scott said...

You can tell when John tells the story instead of Jasmine. She'd never relate so many anecdotes about foodstuffs and bowel movements.

John said...

I stand by the journalistic integrity of relating the ultimate resting pace of Trevor’s poo. And, so far as I can tell from reading Jason's blog, it's a tradition of aviation journalism to relate the quality of the lunch menu in great detail.

JRB said...

So John has been the 1 person reading my blog...

Not only do you need to comment on the food, but also the atmosphere, which generally is focused on the runway view from the restaurant.

John said...

There's so much to learn about airport blogging etiquette...

Jasmine said...

oops, that was me, not John, didn't notice he was signed in.

Jeff Scott said...

I remain firmly committed to my anti-bowel-movement-blogging agenda. Furthermore, I hereby announce my intent to lobby Congress for passage of the "Poop-Free Blog Act for America," colloquially known as "Trevor's Law."

Jeff Scott said...

I wish to revise and extend my prior remarks by further stating that if you had written you hurled Trevor's soiled diaper at Burt Rutan and knocked that pretentious pet hawk off his shoulder, that I would acceptable. I would also demand photo and/or video documentary evidence of said event for posterity.

Jasmine said...

I never knew you had so many poo issues Jeff...

Jeff Scott said...

This is probably the most comments one of your posts has ever gotten, even more than the "tard incident." Maybe John should author inflammatory material more often.

JRB said...

Sweet, I'm still the most recent post on the Carter blog!

Shelley said...

Poor Jasmine.

But seriously, what a fun trip for Trev.